Wednesday 29 October 2014

Number Games - Grade 1 (counting to 10 in French)

           Awesome counting in French grade ones!
Chiffre du jour (number of the day) - working with dry erase markers

Sunday 21 September 2014

La Rentrée

Welcome back to another school year! One highlight of the September start up for me is meeting and learning the names of the grade one students (I'm still working on this).  French in the LKDSB is first offered in grade one and it's always encouraging to meet students in the hallway or outside as they 'try out' their first words in this new language - 'Bonjour Madame'! 

Monday 7 April 2014

Grades 1-2

The grade one and two classes have been busy building their vocabulary by practicing body parts and clothing in French.  Our focus is on the vocabulary and then using it in a basic sentence such as 'C'est un chandail' (It's a sweater).  The next step for grade 2 is to describe their clothing along with the colour.  We continue to sing songs, read books and participate in group activities related to clothing and the body.

Grade 3

The grade three students are reading "Bonne Fete" (Happy Birthday).  They have used several reading strategies to help divide the story into small chunks which make reading in the second language achievable and enjoyable.  We are in the process of recording our reading with the ipads.

Grade 4

The grade four students are in the process of achieving their learning goal of engaging in interactive French conversations related to birthdays and celebrations.  We are taking steps to have our own classroom celebration of each student's birthday.  These activities include promotional birthday posters, French party invitations and creating French board games.   

Thursday 20 February 2014

Visit from Bonhomme

Bonhomme Carnaval came to visit the students and staff of ICRPS on Valentine's Day!  He was the leader of the primary winter carnival parade as the students proudly pulled their floats or wore masks in celebration of Quebec's winter carnival.  Merci Bonhomme!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Primary French 'Carnaval' Parade

This Friday, February  14th, the grade 1-3 classes will parade through the school as a final celebration of this year's Carnaval de Québec.  The grade ones will be pulling their shoebox floats and the grade two and three classes will be wearing their Bonhomme and mardi gras masks - pictures to follow.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Latest Classroom News

Parents of grade 1 Students
We have been busy learning about the weather in French class.  Ask your son/daughter to show you the actions for 'Il fait froid' and 'Il pleut.'

Grade 2
The grade 2's have been busy learning how to say the date in French, as well as why they like (aime) winter.

Grade 3
The grade 3's have started learning about clowns, facial expressions and feelings.  Cirque du soleil clips have helped with this learning. 

Grade 4
The grade 4's have also started a unit on clowns and are in the process of writing a short piece about a clown face creation.

Welcome to my new blog!

Bonhomme Carnaval

I'm looking forward to communicating with the parents and students of ICRPS through my blog.  Stay tuned for information about our upcoming Winter Olympics 2014/Bonhomme Carnaval day in February.  There will be school wide activities (inside and outside) and maybe even some beaver tails to enjoy!

Cinnamon Beaver Tails